Our Therapists

Registered Psychologists

Dr Lizbeth Wilson profile photo

Dr Lizbeth Wilson

Counselling Psychologist

Telehealth (phone and Zoom)

Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays

Dr Bruce Wilson profile photo

Dr Bruce Wilson


Telehealth (phone and facetime only)

Mondays and Fridays

David See profile photo

David See

Counselling Psychologist

Face to face. Telehealth options available on request.

Currently offers Saturdays 9am-12pm and Tuesdays 10am to 6pm

Clinical Psychologists

Dr Winifred Asare-Doku profile photo

Dr Winifred Asare-Doku

Clinical Psychologist

Exclusively Telehealth

Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Child & Adolescent Team of Psychologists and Counsellors

Eliana Zakis Candido profile photo

Eliana Zakis Candido

Registered Counsellor (ACA)

Face to face Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Zoom available for adult clients.


Eliana Zakis Candido profile photo

Eliana Zakis Candido

Registered Counsellor (ACA)

Face to face Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Zoom available for adult clients.